
In this section:

Te Oriori o Raukawa

Te Oriori o Raukawa, is a traditional chant, 12 versus in entirety that draws on mātauranga ā-iwi.

Our tūpuna had many ways in which they passed on mātauranga to their tamariki and mokopuna. One method of intergenerational transmission was through the practice of chanting oriori. We have taken this practice and composed an oriori for our iwi that encapsulates our rich history.

The oriori is imbued with traditional knowledge that strengthens and unlocks our potential to reconnect to our mātauranga ā-iwi o Raukawa. Every verse is symbolic of the sacred passage that marks key cultural rites and events in our lives mai i te kōpū ki te kōpū.


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Te Oriori o Raukawa - Entire Audio

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